A defined contribution (DC) plan aims to minimise a firm’s exposure to the pension 风险, long-term financial uncertainty and volatility that are inherent in traditional defined benefit (DB) plans. However, DC plans can be complex and burdensome, and bring new 风险s and responsibilities. 还有投资, 雇主需要考虑治理问题, 风险, 成员敬业度和退休准备.
Building your optimal strategy starts with design and implementation and then involves managing or outsourcing the delivery of a plan that aligns your organisational objectives with workforce demographics. 最大化你的时间回报, 为计划所做的努力和贡献, 对雇主来说,为员工优化退休计划是很重要的. Engaging tools could help employees model their retirement outcomes according to changes in investment strategy, 退休年龄和缴费率.
- 你能接触到可靠的投资研究吗?
我们不断调查, 测试和监控投资经理和产品, 世界各地, 为您提供最新的信息和想法.
- 你有没有向专业投资人士寻求建议?
Whether you want to streamline your plan or determine the right investment strategies to adopt, we can provide sound advice and guidance to help you optimise what you offer your employees and navigate the global provider landscape.
- 您考虑过第三方解决方案吗?
We can help you reduce the management and compliance burden associated with running your own self-administered plan, which could involve moving elements of managing the plan to third party packaged solutions tailored to your organisation, 和员工.
我们在澳大利亚提供主信托解决方案, 英国, and Ireland and collaborate with Equiom Fiduciary Services (Middle East) Limited in the UAE by providing investment advisory and solutions and with Alexander Forbes in South Africa by providing investment solutions. -
一个完全外包的退休计划解决方案,旨在减少复杂性, 与管理固定供款计划有关的成本和信托风险. 美世 acts as a named fiduciary responsible for the operation and investments for the plan. 在美国我们提供401(k)计划. -
寻求降低计划成本的联合雇主计划, 改善获得创新投资管理的机会, 并将行政和信托负担转移给第三方. We can help you evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks and determine the best vehicle for you. 我们在美国提供美世智慧PEP.
A growing number of employers are choosing to work with specialist investment providers to help them manage their defined contribution (DC) pension commitments. 虽然这种方法在世界各地有很多名字——外包CIO, OCIO, 授权解决方案, fiduciary management – the aim is the same: to offer solutions that enable plan providers to meet their goals more efficiently.
通过外包模型, 雇主和其他供应商保持着对关键决策的控制, 比如策略, 计划设计和资产配置, 留下技术和战术任务, 包括投资经理的选择和监控, 尽职调查和监督, 给像美世这样的第三方专家. We offer a range of outsourced pension and retirement solutions tailored to our client needs all 世界各地. 98858威尼斯70570 了解更多.
你即将进入一个专为高级, institutional investors and the information contained herein is not intended for investors who are not qualified purchasers as defined in the US Investment 公司 Act of 1940. Information about 美世 strategies is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute, 不应该被理解为, 出售要约, 或者是要约购买, 任何证券, 或者一个提议, invitation or solicitation of any specific products or the investment management services of 美世, 或向美世发出任何投资组合管理委托的要约或邀请.
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