作业架构=一致的基线 和 职业发展框架
不公平——无论是真实的还是感知的——尤其是在基本工资和奖励方面, 员工离职的关键因素是什么.
A 具有清晰的工作分析和评估的工作架构 可以帮助降低这种风险吗. Job architecture provides a consistent 和 transparent framework for 发展 activities 和 career paths for all employees in 你的组织. 这是在全企业范围内公平公正地评价职务和职称的基准, 都是必不可少的 成功的奖励和发展计划.
It enables organisations to offer a seamless employee experience throughout the entire employee-life cycle, 包括个人和有针对性的发展和学习活动, 透明和可持续的职业道路, 以及继任计划.
人力资源部门可以用它来为企业提供预测性的人员分析, 向战略性劳动力规划迈出重要一步.
它是有效吸引的基础平台, 发展, 以及留住关键业务人才.
Organisations are able to comprehensively underst和 the internal comparability 和 external value of jobs.
米后&A – job architecture enables HR to quickly provide the business with the most effective model of the future organisation – based on optimal numbers of levels, 有影响力的职业道路, 以及工作评估的一致性.
在实施美世 IPE之后
美世 IPE是任何工作架构的基本要素
美世 IPE is a proprietary global job evaluation methodology based on a series of business-related factors 和 dimensions that represent core job attributes.
Application of the IPE methodology provides an organising framework based on a job's value within the context of an organisation – 和 the wider commercial environment.
IPE的实施遵循一个简单的过程,重点关注组织结构, 业务的复杂性, 以及工作与业务的一致性.
在这个充满机遇的世界, 你如何确保人才选择你, 然后选择和你在一起?
One of the drivers of resignations is that people don’t see long-term career progression in their organisation or see better external options. 这种风险可以通过战略性的职业框架来管理.
引人注目的内部专业发展和职业路径形成的关键部分 吸引和留住人才. Not only does a well-designed 和 publicised career progression framework attract new talent, but it also allows your people to grow 和 thrive with you – creating engaging employee 和 experiences.
职业框架 也能更好地 战略劳动力规划, 和 faster internal backfilling of business-critical roles by mapping all possible career paths to each role.
在这样的光线下观察, 职业发展框架应该是每个人力资源战略的核心, 涉及到所有的劳动力计划. Yet, our research shows that, surprisingly, 只有二分之一的公司有职业框架. 缺少一个可能会给吸引力带来挑战, 保留, 以及业务关键角色的内部填充. 我们看到的其他常见问题包括:
即使在有正式职业发展框架的组织中也是如此, career path information is often not readily available 和 career conversations are not happening regularly enough. More needs to be done to help employees recognise the compelling opportunities that exist within their own organisations to build their career, including frequent conversations with their manager to help brainstorm possible career moves, 并为如何培养他们的技能制定策略.
在一些组织中, there are distinct discrepancies between business units 当 defining their job 和 career architecture. The vast majority are reactively creating new job levels 和/or adding steppingstone roles, 经常, 也存在地区差异.
Career progression frameworks need to be intentionally designed at micro 和 macro levels. 在这个人才需求经济中, the onus is on the organisation – 和 direct managers – to architect 和 inspire career experiences 和 paths that have intentional 和 meaningful movement.
Organisations need to be aware of, 和 work with, their employees’ experience 和 expectations. 在这个个人的时代, 就像员工希望有更多的选择权一样, 当, 以及它们是如何工作的, they also want to be fully informed about their choices for career 发展 和 advancement.
找出发展对员工意味着什么首先问问你的员工,从他们的角度来看,一个有吸引力的职业是什么样子的. 他们看重什么样的技能和经验? 他们在寻找什么样的增长机会? 通过找出你的员工想要什么, 你可以根据他们的兴趣和公司的需要来创造职业.
使用真实的职业道路设计高影响力的职业有意地设计透明度, Control 和 Velocity of career paths to fulfil both 你的组织’s need for a ready-now skills pipeline as well as your employees' need to feel they are advancing at the right pace.
将职业文化制度化使用技术确保职业信息容易获取. 通过认可非横向职业变动,促进员工流动和职业发展, 庆祝学习,而不仅仅是升职, 用更有意义的职业经历来奖励高潜力人才.
让职业充满吸引力和乐趣Invest time in ensuring managers see employee career 发展 as central to their roles. Equip people managers with talking points on how to lead career conversations effectively with the stated objective of showing employees that 你的组织 is one in which they can grow 和 thrive.
美世投资于工作架构方法. 我们进行持续的研究,以确保与全球市场保持一致, 和 we are committed to providing organisations with a leading platform for managing diverse talent populations.
Our job analysis 和 evaluation methodology allow organisations to underst和 the internal comparability 和 external value of jobs while facilitating the rapid 发展 of new roles 和 responsibilities.
以我们的专业知识和最佳实践为基础, 我们可以帮助您创建工作架构,而无需投入太多资源.